aethereal aephemeral

aethereal aephemeral is a label and visual project outlet for myself, alex edward.  instead of shopping for labels to release on and holding off on getting finished music out, i’m self-releasing them to get more of my work into the ears of others.  with no reservation for genre or style, i can more freely get music out into the world as inspiration strikes.

i’m regularly working on new tracks to release through this project, which will be uploaded on this site and available on bandcamp and all streaming platforms as they’re completed.

scroll down to stream or buy the releases on the label so far.  the latest release, running thoughts, came out october 4th, and it’s available on all streaming platforms.  you can listen below on the spotify player, tap one of the icons, or head over to grab it from my bandcamp.

aeae002 - running thoughts

aeae001 - dream

the next track, luv gaem, is a bootleg that’s available for free on bandcamp.

in the future i’ll also share things like process videos and track breakdowns.  this site serves as a means to escape the short lifespan of, and constant hunger for, content-driven social media. this site also represents a personal practice of pursuing my passions at my own pace and not feeling the need to meet external timelines.

support by sharing, buying the tracks, or saving on streaming services is always appreciated, but i’m also happy to share the lossless files if you want to throw this music into your sets.  shoot me an email to with the track(s) you want and i’ll get it done.  or just drop your info in the box at the bottom of the page.

thanks for stopping by.
